Monday, February 2, 2009

Jan. 30, '09: First Day of Training

Activity: Orientation and Getting to know You

Students were requested to introduce their selves with their expectations about the training.

Top 5 Expectations that been heard:

1. to have something in preparation for the college
2. to be up-to-date (afraid to be left behind! Of course!)
3. for employment purposes :o
4. to get rid of being a computer illiterate (boost your self esteem! Twinklers' writer honest
revelation; Twinklers-school publication)

5. to learn programming and website publishing

After the trainees, trainers must have their part too! Borjgroup (yours truly) and the Majestic group flaunt their selves (not with that "sexy" meaning!)

Topic: The Computer-knowing the lolos and lolas

Resource speakers Rhea S. Paglinawan and Lino B. Burgos introduced the brief history of the computer, the input/output devices, hardware/software and the common computer terminology that the computer world is using.

Enlightenment: "Data is a cow and Information is Argentina."

Quite amusing isn't it? but it's the simpliest way to differentiate data from information.

Here's the list of the students who enrolled in the computer training program:

1st Batch (1:30-2:30)

2nd Batch (2:30-3:30)

3rd Batch (3:30-4:30)

1. Carpina, Jiy N.
2. dela Pedra, Mervin B.
3. Padilla, R-Jay C.
4. Sedoriosa, Rick R.
5. Sornido, Archie E.
6. Tinga, Albert R.
7. Abdon, Deoleta A.
8. Alboro, Mailyn C.
9. Baynosa, izzah lynn C.
10. Taglocop, Edmund C.

1. Baynosa, Ma. Concepcion M.

2. Coyagbo, Maricel P.

3. Custodio, Hazelle A.

4. Dejeiro, Nicky Cher T.

5. Dionson, Jezrel

6. Estioca, Griscila E.

7. Gasparillo, Rufa Je T.

8. Gomez, Rizal C.

9. Joven, Charlene G.

10. Lacares, Ivy Rose F.

1. Lim, Mary Grace P.

2. Loquinario, Romelyn T.

3. Malgasic, Regine M.

4. Palalon, joralie A.

5. Pendon, Rholen Lovely Joy L.

6. Quisimundo, Alma, m.

7. Rasonable, SheilaMayne C.

8. Sardido, Vanessa Marie R.

9. Tabares, Mary joyce P.

10. Villarmia, Jessa D.

Question: How will we divide it into two group without upsetting the principal?:(